


Liguria is famous for the many typical products that local people have been producing for decades. All these products can be savoured in the many restaurants that cover the whole territory. If you want to spend a nice evening with a beautiful view then visit one of the many characteristic restaurants overlooking the sea  where you can eat fish caught the same day.


Porto di Oneglia

Spending at the port

If you want fresh fish is advisable to go to the port of Oneglia. In fact every day you can find fresh fish from the fishermen who go out every day and go to sea soon.


Valle di Dolceacqua

Dolceacqua is a typical medieval village of Val Nervia along the namesake river. Besides being a beautiful typical Ligurian village produces Rossese of Dolceacqua, also said only Dolceacqua. In fact, before arriving in the country you must pass a stretch of countryside full of vineyards that are the heart of this very famous wine.

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